FREE Section Membership? YES!

As of February 1, 2024, ARNOVA members are able to join one of 11 sections for FREE.  You will have the option to add your free section in your next membership renewal.


Annual Conference - NEW THIS YEAR!

In early 2023 a Task Force was created to review the conference structure and submission process. This group meet monthly with each other as well as with Sections, CIGs and other ARNOVA leadership. As a result, this year’s conference submission types have been re-worked to offer ARNOVA conference attendees more opportunities for engagement and feedback about their work.


This year the conference will accept three formats for individual submissions. They are:

  1. Individual Paper: This is a proposal to present a fully developed research work that will be grouped with 2-3 other papers with similar/related topics at the discretion of the reviews and conference co-chairs.  
  2. NEW - Emergent Research Presentation: Provides an opportunity for conference attendees to share research that is in a formative stage of development for the purpose of getting input from colleagues. ARNOVA recognizes that conferences can provide the opportunity to think through new directions and research ideas at an early stage.  Sessions including Emergent Research Presentations are intended to be generative and include more audience involvement than traditional paper sessions.
  3. REFRAMED - Poster (One-on-One) submission: The task force reframed posters as One-on-One sessions, to emphasis the value some ARNOVA members see in engaging in more individual dialog about their research. Posters will still be a graphical presentation displayed during the conference. This may be suitable either as the most appropriate submission type for early-stage research, or for scholars who wish to have more individualized conversations about their work with conference attendees. 

Additionally, the conference will continue to accept the following submission types:


Panel Submissions: Composed of 3-4 papers that are pre-arranged by the submitter to address a common theme. 


Colloquium Submissions: This is a special interactive session that explores a single topic, preferably related to the conference theme. It is usually organized around 2 to 4 presenters offering some prepared comments on an important issue with reference to a pre-specified set of questions.


Professional Development Workshop Submissions: This submission type offers active learning opportunities in which members actively engage to develop their professional skills. ARNOVA’s sections, CIGs and members can submit a proposal to organize professional development workshops. Organizers of accepted PDWs should expect to work with members of the Professional Development Committee to refine and target workshop content. 

Did you receive our Volunteer Contributions Survey?

We value this exercise because it helps us know how we are doing in our efforts to be a truly voluntary organization. It also demonstrates the value of work you give to our efforts to build a more vibrant research community, one that makes a more significant contribution to our field, the academy, and the nonprofit sector. Thank you in advance for your participation and for your service!


If you have not received a link from via SurveyMonkey, please contact Laurie Mook at

Important dates

  • 2023 On demand content available until: March 15 | ACCESS NOW
  • 2024 ARNOVA-Asia Conference - Notification of acceptance: March 8 | LEARN MORE
  • 2024 Annual ARNOVA Conference - Proposal Submission Open: March 27 | CHECK THEME & TRACKS

Post jobs for FREE


Log in, locate the “Job Center” menu item at the bottom left side of the Member Hub. You will see the “Add” button at the top of that page.

This email was sent on behalf of The Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) located at 1100 West 42nd Street, Suite 140, Indianapolis, IN 46208. To unsubscribe click here. If you have questions or comments concerning this email contact us at