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Pre-Conference Session: Federal Support for Research on the Nonprofit Sector

Wednesday, November 20th, 2:00 - 3:30 PM

OPTIONAL SESSION -------- This two-hour panel includes representatives from the NSF, the NEA, and AmeriCorps who will discuss the current focus of the research for their respective organizations and how to apply for research funding with each. Our hope is to provide space for ARNOVA members to learn more about federal funding opportunities and have these program officers learn more about our members’ work.

Community Engaged Research: working with community members to enhance research and its impact on the community.

Wednesday, November 20th, 1:00 - 6:00 PM

REQUIRES ADDITIONAL PAYMENT - OPTIONAL SESSION -------- Effective community engaged research begins with a research topic of importance to community and is a process of working in collaboration with community to combine knowledge with action to address issues and improve outcomes. While there is no “one-size-fits-all” model to engagement, there are frameworks of guiding principles, strategies, and approaches that are sensitive to the level of engagement and the community-context in which it occurs. The training provides an overall introduction to community engagement and community engaged research, explores best practices and principles, introduces a framework for identifying and engaging, & focuses on how to design & apply this framework to your research & engagement work. ---

Pre-Conference Networking Event: Capitol Conversations

Wednesday, November 20th, 4:30 - 6:00 PM

Please join us for a networking event designed to connect nonprofit leaders (from all positions/leadership levels) with researchers focused on the nonprofit sector.    What's in it for you?       - an opportunity to share your expertise and experience with researchers, to help them ask better questions       - an opportunity to discuss data and research that you've heard about and want to explore more       - an opportunity to grow your professional network and have conversations with others who care about the nonprofit sector as much as you do!
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